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33 posts Page 4 of 4
WHY DO ALL THE SPAMMERS HIT THIS THREAD????? Please stop spamming this thread. I will catch it and I will delete your post and I will ban you from the forum!!!!!!!!!

My Creations
Canon 40D, Canon 28-135mm IS lens, Canon 300D, Canon 18-55mm lens, CS3

Kimz Kreationz Blog
:rotfl: You go, girl! :bigwink:

No mercy. :twisted:

OK, so this thread has been spammed yet again and deleted. Why they pick this thread all the time is beyond me. I am locking thread. If someone wants to make a real post to this thread please PM one of the moderators to unlock it so that you may post.

Mods, please be careful who you unlock this thread for and remember to lock it again after the post has been made.

My Creations
Canon 40D, Canon 28-135mm IS lens, Canon 300D, Canon 18-55mm lens, CS3

Kimz Kreationz Blog
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