jlwilm » Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:05 pm
Should work, I would suggest the following
1. Crop image to the size of paper you want to print on - maybe add a bit to allow for the rounded corners. Crop tool stadard size - I used 4x6 at 300 ppi for this example
2. Next, press U on the keyboard to activate the Shapes Tool - selected the Rounded Rectangle Tool (second on the list)

- shape tool.jpg (12.84 KiB) Viewed 6199 times
3. Drag out the shape rectangle - start in a corner (upper left works for me) and drag down and right (for an upper/left start) and draw out the shape. You should have nicely rounded corners. If not, delete the shape layer, and set the Radius setting (on the tool bar) higher - it will depend on your picture resolution.

- radius.jpg (44.48 KiB) Viewed 6199 times
4. Double click the Background layer to convert it into a normal layer.
5. Drag the shape layer below the old background layer - should be layer 0 - so that the image is above the shape layer.
6. Right click on image layer - select "create clipping mask". Layer stack should look like this when done.

- layer stack.jpg (29.37 KiB) Viewed 6199 times
After you are done, you can use the Move tool to position the shape as you want, or need to. If you want a soft edge, use Filter, Blur, Gaussian Blur on the shape layer (CS3 will rasterize the layer and then blur it.
That's it.