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I saw this tip on the Digital Photography School site and decided to share it with y'all.
1. Convert to black and white.
2. Open channels palette.
3. ctrl+click RGB (you will get marching ants)
4. ctrlJ blend mode overlay (ants go away) (you have to go to the layers palette for this)
5. adjust opacity to taste and flatten image.

It works fairly well on color photos too.
Chas's Gallery
f/16 on a sunny day.....:)
Chas, thanks for the tip. I will give it a try after I finish mowing the yard.
oh so LOVED this!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

a color version.

A black and white version. on this one. i used the same technique but then i inverted it the second time to darken the background. I should have probably taken the opacity down a little more on both but wanted to show how much it made the image pop.


What a great share Chas, thanks a bunch!!
Gone Crazy... Back Soon...

Gallery ~ a la kimi

My Blog
wow Kimi those turned out great. Now i have to try it!
Thanks Judy! It was so easy. Love the things I still learn.
Let us see yours!! :biggrin:
Gone Crazy... Back Soon...

Gallery ~ a la kimi

My Blog
Chas, thanks for the lesson.

btw: Here is a past favorite Kimi homework that is somewhat similar, but different.
-- some really beautiful results created
Win 8.1, PS CC, Canon bridge P&S
This is a great tip for this months Black &White challenge.
Christell's Creations

PhotoSHOP, PhotoSHOP till' you drop...

A photograph is a moment frozen in time...

PSE7 & PSE8.....Nikon D60, D200 & D300
Yes Christell i do agree.
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