Suggestions for what you would like to see on this site in the future.
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One thing I really find important is that clicking links on the forum gets them opened in a new tab. That way your forum page remains open and you can continue reading the forum posts while looking at the gallery image, external website, etc. Really useful when, for exmaple, someone is asking for advice on an issue.
CS3 on Vista, Nikon D40 (50mm1.4, 18-55mm and 70-300mm VR) and FIREFOX

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I agree - we are working on that. In the meanwhile if you right click on the link you can choose to open it in another window.
Hi folks,
If you're using Firefox, Ctrl+click will also open the URL in a new tab. I don't know what would happen if you did that using Internet Exploder :D .

I agree with everybody else, however, that it would be nice to have links default to a new tab

I don't know if phpBB offers it, but I'd really like to be able to mouseover the title of a post and have the first few words appear, like some vBulletin forums do.

I'm staying here, BTW.

My Gallery: Mostly In Focus
The Owl of Minerva takes wing only at dusk
I don't know if it is an option - but we can certainly check into it.

The support documentation file for phpBB is HUGE! :o
Just reading the table of contents makes me go bug eyed :shock:
I am bumping this up, since I still really miss the links opening in another tab!

I know I can control click or right click, I am just lazy!
CS3 on Vista, Nikon D40 (50mm1.4, 18-55mm and 70-300mm VR) and FIREFOX

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Rekah if you use Firefox you can click with the center mouse button and it will open in a new window.
Thanks, I know that, too, but I don't have a center mouse button since I use my Graphire for everything.
CS3 on Vista, Nikon D40 (50mm1.4, 18-55mm and 70-300mm VR) and FIREFOX

My galleries <------------------> My blog
I use the Wacom mouse - never have gotten to like the pen tool. But I thought it had similar function buttons on it.
Yes, but I don't have them programed to CTRL or the center mouse button function, since other functions are more practical for Photoshop.
CS3 on Vista, Nikon D40 (50mm1.4, 18-55mm and 70-300mm VR) and FIREFOX

My galleries <------------------> My blog
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