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I guess that's to be expected in the doc com world. SmugMug has been having problems also.
bjt wrote: Thanks - I didn't know that

I wish one of the moderators or administrators would notify prestophoto IT people. I'm signing off & will be back tonight.

Sorry everyone. I don't get to check in as often as I would like so see issues like this to report them. Please send me a PM when there is an issue so I get an email and know to check it out.

You can also send a message to

Plus, if you look in my profile you will see the icons for chats for Yahoo and AIM. If any of you use them you can message me on those. They are always turned on so I will get it right away.

My Creations
Canon 40D, Canon 28-135mm IS lens, Canon 300D, Canon 18-55mm lens, CS3

Kimz Kreationz Blog
I can't post a joke again today. I wonder if this message will go through?
I'll see if there is something I can do Russ.

My Creations
Canon 40D, Canon 28-135mm IS lens, Canon 300D, Canon 18-55mm lens, CS3

Kimz Kreationz Blog
Kim, thanks for looking into it for me.

The funny thing is I tried posting a [clean] joke and wasn't allowed. Five minutes later I posted another [clean] joke and it went through. Then I tried posting the one that wasn't allowed and it wasn't allowed again. Pretty crazy going on if you ask me. The way I look at it life would be very boring if everything always worked as it should.
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