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Amy, can you help to reactivate a members account?
Christell i have PM'd Amy for the member and have not had a response yet.
Thanks, Judy. Storm pm'd me also. Amy should be able to help.
Christell's Creations

PhotoSHOP, PhotoSHOP till' you drop...

A photograph is a moment frozen in time...

PSE7 & PSE8.....Nikon D60, D200 & D300
Does someone still need re-activated? I usually get emails when someone gets deactivated but didn't get one this time. Let me know who it is and I will take care of it.

My Creations
Canon 40D, Canon 28-135mm IS lens, Canon 300D, Canon 18-55mm lens, CS3

Kimz Kreationz Blog
Thanks Kim. It was Storm1 and it has been corrected.
Glad it was taken care of. To keep the spam off the forum an account is deactivated if someone changes something in their profile.

My Creations
Canon 40D, Canon 28-135mm IS lens, Canon 300D, Canon 18-55mm lens, CS3

Kimz Kreationz Blog
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