Suggestions for what you would like to see on this site in the future.
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Members of Elements Village forum (which will be closing May 31) are interested to know if Administrators of this forum are open to the idea of maybe hundred's of people becoming active members here soon?

thanks, betty
Win 8.1, PS CC, Canon bridge P&S
To Spider or other Presto Photo/Photoshop Creative forum administrator.

Please let us know that there is someone who is aware that there is growing interest in the Photoshop Creative forum. Many members of the soon-to-close Elements Village Forum might be registering.

Hopefully, reactivation of the Photoshop Creative forum will not present any problems.

We would appreciate hearing from a caretaker of the forum.

Thank you,

Win 8.1, PS CC, Canon bridge P&S
Hi Betty,

We would love to have you! Meghan is our primary community contact. She will follow up with a post shortly.

Hi Betty!

This sounds great and we would love to have you and the Elements Village members. Right now we do not have a dedicated person to run the forums. You will need to self-select who your administrators will be.

Would that work for y'all?


Thank you for the reply & great news, Spider & Meghan.
Many people will be glad to learn that you both are currently associated with the forum's technical & administrative activities.

Best Regards,

Win 8.1, PS CC, Canon bridge P&S
Spider and Meghan Yippie and Thank you i am sure we will figure it out.
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