Suggestions for what you would like to see on this site in the future.
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Hello everyone!

It is great to see new posts and Photoshop Creative coming to life again. :)

If there is anyone who would like to volunteer to help moderate the forum or become an administrator, please raise your hand!

We have several moderators, but it looks like some have been inactive for quite some time. Here is the complete list of current moderators:


If your name is listed above, please let us know if you wish to continue moderating. If your name is not listed above, and you have an interest, we’d love to hear from you!

Thanks everyone!
I'll come back a little later to comment on the present situation of the Creative forum, but you can count on me to continue as a moderator.
Michel B
PSE6, 11,12,13.1 - LR 5.7 Windows 7 64 - OneOne Photo Perfect Suite - Canon 20D, Pana TZ6 - Fuji X100S
Most used add-ons: Elements+

Mes Galeries
Excellent - thanks, Michel!

Yes as a moderator, not sure what is involved as administrator, but would consider if you had some info/guidelines of what you are looking for.
Hello, Jim and Meghan,
Just a note about former admins and moderators.
(Meghan, I sent you a PM about that).
I suppose they went away for the same reasons the last active members slowly became asleep. I am grateful for them for all the wonderful work they have done here.
We need a leading team like before to get a chance to survive. I can't imagine creating such a group without getting in touch with the original team and getting their approval and possibly their contribution.
I doubt that they well be aware of the present situation since they no longer log in to the Creative forum and that they probably ignore the EV one; Angelickim could be joined via the private FB group of EV.
John L Gray disappeared at the same time from both forums and its own site, that's very bad news.
My question is: can any of you get in touch with the members old team and major contributors?
From the 79 EV members in the EV list I hope we'll get volunteers to help shape a new team. That does not imply that you'll have to ignore the efforts to create an EV successor; I have been active in both and intend to continue. My guess is that the new EV forum will work and that our efforts to bring the Creative one back to life are no longer a threat to the EV successor.
Michel B
PSE6, 11,12,13.1 - LR 5.7 Windows 7 64 - OneOne Photo Perfect Suite - Canon 20D, Pana TZ6 - Fuji X100S
Most used add-ons: Elements+

Mes Galeries
I would think that Meghan and others with administration privileges have access to the members info and email adresses. Some may be out of date, but worth giving a shot.
Yes John. That was the purpose of my PM to Meghan...
Michel B
PSE6, 11,12,13.1 - LR 5.7 Windows 7 64 - OneOne Photo Perfect Suite - Canon 20D, Pana TZ6 - Fuji X100S
Most used add-ons: Elements+

Mes Galeries
Just found the forum again (computer hard drive failure and new pc). Actually came in some months ago to look at tutorials but came down with a case of malware.
Will try to get back in more often and post when possible!

Hi Tennie glad to see you drop in.
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