Digital challenges to help you develop your skills!
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Hello Everyone!

It's been several months since the last 'Make Art Monday'. So, I'm really looking forward to some wonderful art this week.

There aren't any rules -- everyone is invited to join in - and have fun!
Share your art as many times as you wish throughout the week
If you wish, tell a little about how your art was created

Anything goes - filters, plugins, programs, etc: (Topaz, Nik, OnOne, Fotosketcher, etc)

Win 8.1, PS CC, Canon bridge P&S
(Reminder - using this or any other tutorial is optional. Anything goes!)

That being said, this week I used Dane's (fdlite) watercolor member tutorial, which was submitted to Photoshop Creative a few years ago. I added a few tweaks because my starter was not very good.


Dane's tutorial:
1. Open image

2. Ctrl J (dup the image)

3. Rename this layer Dry Brush
Go to Filter -> Artistic -> Dry Brush (I made my setting 2, 10, 1)
(Note: Good idea to play with other Artistic options.)

4. Ctrl J (dup) the Dry Brush layer and rename to Smart Blur
- Go to Filter -> Blur -> Smart Blur (these settings are high, but play around with them, anyway what I being using are 15.6, 51.2, low and Edge Only). This will make the layer Black with white lines.
- Crtl I to Invert to black lines on white
- From the Layer Palette, Blending Mode -> Soft Light
- Enhance -> Adjust Color -> Adjust Hue/Saturation to 0, +70, +5 (want to lighten the colors a little.)

Ok the fun part, one more layer.
5. New layer that is created using the Create Adjustment Layer (round button that is half black, half with in the layer palette) and select Solid Color and pick white as the background (rename layer to paint) . Everything should appear white (until you start 'painting').

Make sure that your Color Picker is Black for painting.

Now select your Brush, I've been using the Wet Media Brush -> Heavy Flow and Size first to around 125-150 and the Brush Opacity low around 9. Go over the this layer (paint) starting around the center and going out. The more you go over the more of a build up there will be.

Through out the 'painting' change the Brush Opacity (but not going over 23 or so) and brush sizes (max I have been going is 175 and low end is really low). Remember to use short strokes ...

Zoom into the paint layer and in different areas darken some of the shadows (this is were I lower the size of my brush a lot). If you darken to much, remember that by changing back to white will lighten (just remember to change back to black )

Once you are happy go to Filter -> Texture -> Texturizer ->(pick the one you like) Canvas is what I being using and set the settings to 61, 9, top right.

Ctrl F to apply the texture again.

You may want to paint a little after the texture is apply in a few areas, this will 'soften' some of the texture.

Framing is left up to you and what you like.
link to his tutorial:

Thanks to Dane for his fun tutorial
Win 8.1, PS CC, Canon bridge P&S
Betty that turned out beautiful. I am looking forward to trying it.
i used the same tutorial.
make-art-monday--jw-4-5-15.jpg (68.73 KiB) Viewed 46763 times
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